Sunday, March 4, 2012

Two Days Until Super Tuesday - The Race for the GOP Nomination

Super Tuesday is quickly approaching and all the presidential candidates are trying to rack up as many delegates as they can! The reason why Super Tuesday is so important is because it is usually a pretty good indication of who is going to win the party's nomination for the election.

This Tuesday, primaries/caucuses will be held in Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia.

Not surprisingly, it looks like Romney is probably going to come out on top on Tuesday.  Exit polls showed that Michigan voters' top priority was the economy, and Romney definitely has more experience with business than Santorum.  Santorum was going strong in February, but definitely lost a lot of his momentum with some of his controversial statements about contraception and separation of church and state.  He is just too conservative for a lot of conservatives.

Gingrich is definitely feeling pressure to win in Georgia, his hometown.  Santorum will most likely win Ohio, and maybe Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin.  As for Ron Paul, well...he is at least doing better than he did in 2008.

Stay tuned and I'll keep you updated on what happens on Tuesday!


  1. Thanks for keeping me up to date on current events. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know anything. lol

    Vonae Deyshawn

  2. Hahahaaa aww thanks, Vonae!! Glad I can be of some help! Thank you for inspiring me with your blog!!!! :) I look forward to your posts.

  3. Hey Ashley, It will be interesting to see what happens. I think your predictions will be correct and good point about Ron Paul, at least he's making progress. It's better than doing worse. heheh...Nice post

